Viewing and Deleting DHCP Clients

The DHCP Clients table lets you view currently serviced DHCP clients by the DHCP server. The table also lets you delete DHCP clients. If you delete a client, the DHCP server ends the lease of the IP address to the client and the IP address becomes available for allocation by the DHCP server to another client.

The following procedure describes how to view DHCP clients through the Web interface. You can also view this through CLI:

To view DHCP clients:
# show network dhcp clients 
To view DHCP clients according to IP address:
# show network dhcp ip 
To view DHCP clients according to MAC address:
# show network dhcp mac
To view DHCP clients that have been blacklisted from DHCP implementation (due to duplicated IP addresses in the network, where another device is using the same IP address as the one assigned to the client):
# show network dhcp black-list
To view or delete DHCP clients:
1. Open the DHCP Servers table (see Configuring the DHCP Server).
2. Select the row of the desired DHCP server for which you want to view DHCP clients, and then click the DHCP Clients link located below the table; the DHCP Clients table opens:

The table displays the following per client:

Index: Table index number.
DHCP Server Index: The index number of the configured DHCP server scope in the DHCP Server table (see Configuring the DHCP Server) with which the client is associated.
IP Address: IP address assigned to the DHCP client by the DHCP server.
MAC Address: MAC address of the DHCP client.
Lease Expiration: Date on which the lease of the DHCP client's IP address obtained from the DHCP server expires.
3. To delete a client:
a. Select the table row index of the DHCP client that you want to delete.
b. Click the Action button, and then from the drop-down menu, choose Delete; a confirmation message appears.
c. Click OK to confirm deletion.